空袭叙利亚视频曝光 美将军:精准且势不可挡

This picture taken on April 14, 2018 shows the wreckage of a building described as part of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) compound in the Barzeh district, north of Damascus, during a press tour organised by the Syrian information ministry. The United States, Britain and France launched strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime early on April 14 in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack after mulling military action for nearly a week. Syrian state news agency SANA reported several missiles hit a research centre in Barzeh, north of Damascus, "destroying a building that included scientific labs and a training centre". / AFP PHOTO / LOUAI BESHARA (Photo credit should read LOUAI BESHARA/AFP/Getty Images)


美国总统川普(特朗普)4月13日晚间宣布,已下令美军向叙利亚目标实施导弹精准打击,英国和法国也加入了打击叙利亚目标的行动。美国国防部4月14日表示,美国、法国和英国对叙利亚阿萨德政权的联合军事行动已“成功击中每一个目标”。法新社报导,美国国防部发言人怀特(Dana White)周六表示:“我们不在叙利亚寻求冲突,但严重违反《国际法》的此类行为,我们无法苟同。”


美国参谋首长联席会议主任麦肯锡(Kenneth McKenzie)中将说,这项军事行动“精准、势不可挡,而且有效”,将使叙利亚化武计划倒退好几年。


法国外交部长勒德里安(Jean-Yves Le Drian)周六表示,美国、英国、法国联军对叙利亚发动的夜间导弹空袭,已经炸毁大马士革当局“大部分”化学武器库存。


英国首相梅(Theresa May)周六表示,英国“确信”空袭行动相当成功。

英国国防部表示,4架英国皇家空军龙卷风战机以暴风之影(Storm Shadow)巡弋导弹,空袭叙利亚霍姆斯(Homs)西方15英里处的一处旧导弹基地,据信阿萨德政权在这里储存制造化武的材料。#